







   世界を覆っている戦争やテロの悲劇は、国家や民族・文化・宗教の違いを根拠にする、政治的な力関係の中で、次々と生み出されています。このような中で、犠牲が強いられるのは戦地の多くの市民であり、まさに大量殺戮が再びくりかえされることになります。戦争が再び起これば、そこからまた新たな報復のための戦争やテロが反復されるという、悲劇の連鎖は歴史が証明するところであります。「怨みに報いるに怨みをもってしたならば、ついに怨みのやむことはな い」との仏陀の智慧にこそ、私たちは立つべき時なのです。




   時あたかも、イラクの戦争危機を目前にして、世界中で戦争に反対する人々の運動のうねりが起こっています。いまこの戦争を止めることができなければ、再び21世紀を戦争の世紀として、その悲惨と絶望から解放されることはないという、人々の深い危機感の表れでありましょう。国際社会は、この平和を希求する人類の願いに耳を傾け、戦争の回避に向けて叡智を結集すべきであります。私たちは、今こそ、一人ひとりのいのちの尊重を求める非戦の願いを共有しな がら、決してイラクに対する武力行使がなされることのないよう、米国や日本政府をはじめとする国際社会に、強く訴えるものであります。



                                       真宗大谷派宗務総長 三浦 崇

A Protest over the Possible Military Operations against Iraq


Recently, tension surrounding Iraq has reached a critical point, and the United States and Great Britain are considering launching military attacks against that particular country at any time. In such a hostile international situation, we greatly fear that this will lead to further pain and suffering for people all over the world.


The tragedies of war and terrorism, which have been rampant worldwide in recent years, are caused by power politics that is based upon the differences of nationality, ethnicity, culture, and religion. In such violence, it is the ordinary people who are forced to sacrifice their lives. Once war breaks out, it will lead to another, and the eventual retaliation of terror. Such a chain of tragedies is clearly demonstrated throughout our history. Now is the time for us to learn from the Buddha's words of wisdom: "If you repay hatred with hatred, it will never be appeased. In this world, hatred is always appeased by love."


During World War II, our denomination, Shinshu Otani-ha, followed the wartime policies of Imperial Japan, which brought about indescribable destruction and a tremendous loss of life in the world. The teachings of our founder Shinran Shonin were misinterpreted in such a way as to send young people to battlefields and force others into hardship. To atone for our shameful past, we critically re-examined our actions and declared an anti-war stance in a statement, which was formulated and passed by our parliament in 1995, fifty years after the end of World War II. We confirm this resolution once more and make it public again now, to demonstrate that we continue to uphold this stance.


Now, as we face this crisis over Iraq, the tide of the anti-war movement is flooding all over the world. It is the expression of our deep anxiety that if this war cannot be stopped, the 21st century will be a "century of war" again, and there will never be freedom from such misery and despair. The international community should listen to the wishes of human beings everywhere and join our wisdom and strength in order to prevent another war arising. Sharing the respects for all lives and the ideal of "no more war", we strongly appeal to the governments of the United States of America, Japan, and other nations that military operations should never be carried out against Iraq, or any other country.

February 28, 2003
